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Innate Intelligence



There is an innate intelligence present in every person which allows us to heal cuts, mend broken bones, and turn food which we consume into useful energy. It does all this as well as keeping our body in homeostasis; free from disease; without any thought or impute from outside the body. And yet, at the first sign of any symptoms we we mask the problem with drugs such as aspirin, muscle relaxants, and other drugs. The only thing this does is allow the problem to advance to further stages.


There are only a handful of things that play a role in the innate's ability to keep your body in homeostasis, these include: nutrition, sleep, exercise, mental state or stress, and most important your nervous system.


Your nervous system controls every system, organ, muscle, gland, and virtually every cell in your body. So it's easy to see how any interruption in nerve supply may result in a number of problems; by not having proper nerve supply the immune system may not function properly, causing a cold or flu. Improper supply to the heart may cause irregularities or murmurs. Muscles may become spastic or worse atrophy.


The most common cause of nerve impingement is due directly to a subluxation. Subluxation's are nothing more then a misalignment between two or more vertebrae causing irritation of the nerve passing between them. It is this dis-ease that the basis of chiropractic was founded and has focused on ever since.


Sleep is important for keeping innate functioning properly, because it's at this time that the body undergoes the majority of it's healing process. Exercise is necessary in order to tax weak and dying cells so that they can be replaced by new stronger healthier cells. Proper nutrition helps to build strong and healthy cells.


So, if your nervous system is free from subluxation's, it is able to function properly and if you make it a point to get enough sleep so that you awake refreshed, exercise 3-4 times a week for at least 20 minutes, and eat a healthy diet; your body should be able to overcome most any problem it is faced with.


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