Siller Chiropractic
752 Colusa Ave.
Yuba City CA 95991
(530) 755-2777
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Wednesday January 08
At Siller Chiropractic, we are committed to helping you find better health, naturally. Call today. Nobody can replace you, and nothing can replace your body. We’d like to help you keep the one you’ve got.
  • gentle, specific adjustments
  • covered by most insurance's, including Medicare
  • work and auto injuries accepted
  • DMV & sports physicals
  • military & senior discounts
  • conveniently located at the corner of Colusa & Clark Ave.
  • affordable payment plans
  • on-site x-rays taken
  • $65 initial cash visit (including x-rays if needed)
  • Se Habla Español
Welcome > Symptoms > Full List

116 records found.

acidosis, acne, adenoids, allergies, amnesia, anemia, appendicitis, arches, arthritis, asthma, backaches, bed wetting, bladder troubles, blindness, boils, bronchitis, bursitis, catarrh, change of life symptoms, chest pain, chronic tiredness, cold feet, colds, colitis, congestion, constipation, cough, cramps, crossed eyes, croup, deafness, diabetes, diarrhea, difficult breathing, dizziness, dysentery, dyspepsia, earache, eczema, erysipelas, eye troubles, fainting speels, fevers, gall bladder conditions, gas pains, gastrictis, hands pain, hard of hearing, hardening of the arteries, hay fever, head colds, headaches, heart burn, heart conditions, hemorrhoids, hernias, hiccoughs, high blood pressure, hives, hoarseness, impotency, indigestion, influenza, insomnia, jaundice, kidney troubles, knee pain, laryngitis, leg cramps, liver conditions, low blood pressure, lower arms pain, lowered resistance, lumbago, menstrual troubles, mental conditions, migraine headaches, miscarriages, nephritis, nervous stomach, nervousbreak downs, nervousness, neuralgia, neuritis, pain at end of spine on sitting, piles, pimples, pleurisy, pneumonia, poor circulation, poor circulation in the legs, pruritus or itching, pyelitis, quinsy, rheumatism, ruptures, sacro-iliac conditions, sciatica, shingles, shortness of breath, sinus trouble, sleeping sickness, sore throat, spinal curvatures, sterillity, stiff neck, swollen ankles, thyroid conditions, tonsillitis, ulcers, upper arm pain, urination difficulty, varicose veins, weak ankles, weakness in the legs, whooping cough,

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Siller Chiropractic 752 Colusa Ave. Yuba City CA 95991 (530) 755-2777
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Dr. Siller encourages you to follow these tips to enjoy better health.
Did you know exercise is the body’s version of a “spring cleaning”? Exercise taxes weak and dying cells so they can be replaced by newer, stronger tissue.
Remember, your are unique. You know how much sleep you need in order to awake refreshed. For your body, nighttime is repair time. Make sure it gets enough time.
You know the old saying, “garbage in-garbage out.” Your body is like a computer too-it can’t produce good quality cells out of poor materials.